Who still knows the Fyra? The high-speed train for the Netherlands and Belgium that came, drove 5 times and went back to Italy. By traditional tendering, a non-functioning train was delivered by the wrong partner, the result of a focus on requirements and a low price. Damage: 400 million euros and still no train! With a #supplychallenge that will not happen. That concept was developed specifically to find the best solution with the best partner.
Why is a #supplychallenge different and effective
With a #supplychallenge it’s possible to find the best solution with the best partner, because you do not question but challenge, because you do not prescribe but leave room for innovation and because it isn’t a race against time but a process with interaction to find the best solution!
How do you handle that?
The roadmap of a #supplychallenge consists of the following 6 steps:
Step 1 Collect data and create a supply map (all relevant data visualized).
Step 2 Select a mixed group of suppliers (new & existing).
Step 3 Organize a live briefing so that suppliers understand your company and your challenge.
Step 4 Clarification, explanation by the supplier, what cool plan he has created.
Step 5 Select the best proposal with the dot rating (partner x-axis / solution y-axis).
Step 6 Make a two-sided concise agreement.
What is the experience?
Those involved experience a #supplychallenge as an open, logical and challenging way to find a cool solution. The potential partners and the customer are therefore triggered to use all their expertise for the best solution and find out during this process whether they fit together and are suitable partners.
As far as I am concerned, the days of a traditional tender have been counted. Go for a #supplychallenge, because a tender is so outdated.
Paul van Veen