Supply Innovation Engineer at TOPINC

Joris Bolhuis

My main competencies are innovative improvements, organizing and critical thinking. I pay attention to the details that matter, while taking into account the bigger picture and being pragmatic. My ambition is to always attain the best possible results instead of conforming to expectations.

Supply Chain Management has been an important part of my education. My courses mainly focused on a data driven approach to the management of Capital Expenditures. My work experience compliments my education by focusing on supplier relations, implementing new approaches and agreements into existing work environments and making the optimal choices by also taking into account multiple perspectives besides costs.

Next to the passion for the projects I do, I am passionate about skiing and snowboarding. Furthermore, I like to keep myself busy with a variety of DIY projects. Enjoying life is also important to me. That’s where my enjoyment of drinking craft beer and investing time in improving my cooking abilities come in.

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